About Austentation: Our Story
As the proprietor of Austenation, I am able to indulge my passion for history by offering a diverse selection of period inspired accessories to customers around the globe. My greatest joy is my family- an adorable husband and our five children, whom we home educate.
Since Austentation: Regency Accessories was first launched in 2000, I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet many people from all over the world who also love Jane Austen and the Regency period. Thank you for making my work so much fun!
I discovered an interest in hats, especially those of the Regency period, while reading Jane Austen's novels. At first I began making them, just to "see if I could". I made my first as a Christmas present for a friend enamored of Pride and Prejudice. Finding that I really enjoyed it, I decided to pool my talents and create a website in order to sell my creations.
In addition to fashion and jewelry, I love working with miniatures and have created eight dollhouses to date. Since having having daughters, I have also enjoyed creating custom doll pieces to fit their 18" dolls. Here you'll find a blend of our interests- a sort of "Ladies Paradise" if you will, encompassing our fancies of the moment.
Recently, my daughters have begun helping with orders and adding their own ideas and items to our inventory. Emilie sews reticules (saving money for college) while Bella designs delightful downloadable artwork. My patient husband Kent, takes the wonderful photos which you can find all over both sites.
God has certainly blessed in the years since He first gave me the idea for Austentation and none of this would have been accomplished except through HIS grace. He IS the author of creativity, and nothing is possible without Him ("All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made." John 1:3) We truly do serve an Awesome God!