Regency Fashion History

Regency Jewelry
During the Regency, jewelry became much simpler than before. While family jewels were still prized and women still wore the necklaces, bracelets, earrings, brooches and whatnot that they were accustomed...
Regency Jewelry
During the Regency, jewelry became much simpler than before. While family jewels were still prized and women still wore the necklaces, bracelets, earrings, brooches and whatnot that they were accustomed...

Parasols: Shade from the Summer Sun
Not quite as "manly" as umbrellas, they were certainly just as practical. The parasol continued to increase in popularity until the Edwardian era. Trimmed with a variety of materials from...
Parasols: Shade from the Summer Sun
Not quite as "manly" as umbrellas, they were certainly just as practical. The parasol continued to increase in popularity until the Edwardian era. Trimmed with a variety of materials from...

Maybe She's Born With It? Regency Cosmetics
While "painting" was frowned on by most of society (though only in public of course, the elaborate powderings of the last century still being used by many of the older...
Maybe She's Born With It? Regency Cosmetics
While "painting" was frowned on by most of society (though only in public of course, the elaborate powderings of the last century still being used by many of the older...

Shawls & Wraps
During the late 18th century, there was a mania for anything vaguely Oriental. This lead to the popularity of turbans, shawls and exotic jewelry. Few of these creations lasted more...
Shawls & Wraps
During the late 18th century, there was a mania for anything vaguely Oriental. This lead to the popularity of turbans, shawls and exotic jewelry. Few of these creations lasted more...

Fan Flirtation
In times past, lady would no sooner leave the house without her hat or gloves as without her fan. In the years before central air conditioning, it was an essential...
Fan Flirtation
In times past, lady would no sooner leave the house without her hat or gloves as without her fan. In the years before central air conditioning, it was an essential...

Wearing and Caring for Your Gloves
Varying in length, the most popular glove styles during the regency were: long- for formal dinners and balls (strictly white); gauntlet- for riding and winter; and short, palm length gloves...
Wearing and Caring for Your Gloves
Varying in length, the most popular glove styles during the regency were: long- for formal dinners and balls (strictly white); gauntlet- for riding and winter; and short, palm length gloves...